eCommerce Services

Catalog Conversion

Our Professional Conversion service not only digitizes data from a print medium but also
maintains the updated data format for the ease of target audience.

Catalog conversion is all about converting the data from a print medium to an electronic medium. We digitalize your catalog data in the format that is most suitable for the target audience enabling ease of information access for your organization.


Propel your e-Shop into one of the largest eCommerce chains in the world with Altius Solutions.

Challenges Faced in the Absence of Catalog Conversion

  • Use of software may not get the exact replication from a catalog to a website and redoing the effort will take more time than doing manual work from scratch.
  • Company will not be able to replicate the best attributes of the product from a print version and from other websites in multiple formats.

Altius Methodology of Catalog Conversion

  • Altius has developed a methodology to map multiple information about the products and map them.
  • Migrating the data from other portals and converting the data to the new platform with user benefit.
  • Altius will transform the website data into a new upgraded version.

Benefits of Catalog Conversion

  • Increased time spent by the visitors on the site because of the updated data.
  • Increase the number of conversions because of variety and updated data about the product.
  • Product details in the papers that are digitally organized considered to be a growth in revenue through Product Catalog Conversion.
  • Product information spread over in the sales department organized through a product catalog conversion services at Altius.
  • The existing product items with their information on their site are neatly converted as the digital catalog.
  • Converted data that got from several in-house processes uploaded to the online business store to gain more customers.
  • Data gathered from multiple sources and the required information of the product including images, specifications, attachments, etc. well organized while product catalog conversion is done at Altius.