Mobile App to augment business needs of Accurate Electronics
global weighing scales. Since its inception in 2001. They provide timely,
cost-effective deliveries to their valued customers all over Tamilnadu and Kerala.
for Jewellers, Retail Segments and now it adds the integrated add-ons of Office
Automation Products, and etc.
Technology plays a vital part in every
business to provide different services and
solutions. Accurate Electronics was in
search of such technological interventions
to overcome challenges that included:
Eliminate manual data collection To provide a
solution to the weighing scale manual data
collection, a mobile app for collecting the
machine data is the need of the hour.
Manage machine details A centralized
platform where customers can save the
machine details and space to maintain and
manage multiple machine details for
Business Impact Not updating with the current
technological trend is limiting the scope of
Accurate Electronics approached Altius Technologies to develop a customized mobile application for their business needs.
Altius Identified new team members for the business engagement that involved offshore phases. The offshore phase was planned to understand the process of Agile Scrum. JAD sessions planned to gain knowledge, define the communication protocol and to produce high-quality deliverables.
The project team and client worked together in defining the project plan, reporting mechanism, risk management, configuration, and change control mechanism, escalation points, information security, and quality assurance process. The Team gave the deliverables to the client on a bi-weekly sprint basis.
The tools & techniques used in this project
Mobile App Platform
- Platform: Android
- Framework: Ionic 4
Web Application
- Platform: Angular 8, Ruby on Rails,
- Database: Postgresql,
- Framework: Angular 8
Altius team soon began working on the product’s new roadmap items. Successful delivery by the team following strict agile processes in collaborative development has a pretty much-impressed client.The team has successfully implemented solutions in a positive and productive way which paves the way tofuture work. The Team gave the deliverables to the client on a bi-weekly sprint basis.
The developed mobile app contains 4 types of users – Super Admin, Distributor, Staff on Web application Android supports Dealer and customer signup. The Dealer collects the customers’ machine data and it is saved in the distributor panel whereas the Machine stamping status changes will be taken care of by the distributor.
The high-quality professional assistance from Altius Technologies helped Accurate Electronics derive benefits that include:
Responsive web Application A real-time dashboard helps to track the stamping/service and new machine data. The availability of updated content across various channels. Report usage helps the client to view metrics on recent and past activity levels.
Improved business The newly developed mobile app now provides flexible team staffing. The mobile app boosts team productivity and increases the scope of expansion