
Importance of Product Taxonomy in E-Commerce Sales

A product taxonomy has two parts associated with it. The first part refers to a category or a hierarchy into which products of a particular type are grouped together. The second part indicates an attribute that should be mentioned for each product.

For example, laptop is a category and brand is an attribute. A category usually has more than one attribute associated with it to differentiate one product from the other.

Product taxonomy helps e-commerce sellers in organizing their product catalog and making it easy for shoppers to view its contents through a navigational experience.

This blog gives you an idea of why product taxonomy plays an important role in your e-commerce sales.

Different navigation styles

People use different ways to search for the same product in an online store. With a taxonomy, you can tag content based on both type and product.

Classification based on usage

In e-commerce sales, products are usually grouped based on their usage. This helps a customer in easily finding what they want in an online store with just a few clicks. The correct taxonomy allows a customer to find what exactly he is looking for or a close match to the keywords he searched for.

Index product details

Product taxonomy helps in indexing all vital details related to a product. Proper indexing of products can boost your sales greatly and play a key role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search engines find, index and rank structured content more efficiently than unstructured content.

Customize based on customer preferences

With a taxonomy in place, customers can make individual preferences by selecting appropriate attributes to list only the products of their choice. They will not have to waste time for what they want from a large database of similar products. As a result, there are chances they will keep coming back to buy more. This can result in increased website traffic and sales.

To sum up, you can use a product taxonomy to group various products and their related accessories together to ease a customer’s search process. This will result in enhancing the click-through rate of your e-commerce website. Another advantage of using a product taxonomy is that it can help you identify the products that customers tend to buy more than others.

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