
Why is YouTube Important for SEO?

“YouTube’s traffic continues to grow very quickly. Video is something that we think is going to be embedded everywhere. And it makes sense, from Google’s perspective, to be the operator of the largest site that contains all that video.” – Eric Schmidt

Video marketing has become an essential part of digital marketing. The number of people viewing videos is increasing day by day.

Also, videos can assist you in selling your products more than by using just text descriptions.

YouTube is the second biggest social media platform, and has become widely accepted as one of the best search engines for videos.

The following are some reasons why YouTube plays a very important role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

YouTube videos are listed in Google’s search results

YouTube is owned by Google.

Hence, the videos listed here are likely to get displayed in Google search results. Moreover, you can also add, search for and share videos on YouTube directly using keywords.

SEO friendly videos will appear on search results more when compared to non-optimized videos.

These videos, in turn, get noticed better by viewers and have a better ranking.

Embedded YouTube videos increase conversion rates

You can embed YouTube videos to your website to improve the conversion rate. Embedding a video on as many pages of your website can improve your Google ranking.

However, if you are not embedding your own videos, you must get permission from the owner to do the same.

It is ideal that you place the embedded videos towards the beginning of your website page. This avoids viewers having to scroll down to access them. Similarly, do not embed too many videos in one page.

Embed only one unique video per page.

YouTube helps to target a large audience

With YouTube, you can reach out to various types of audiences worldwide. This is often not possible with just your website alone.

When your videos engage viewers, they are more likely to click on your website and social media page. They may also share and like these videos on their own social media pages and related platforms.

Google keeps a track on these likes and shares. This can in turn be beneficial for search engine optimization.

To sum up, people find viewing videos more interesting than reading through paragraphs of content. When you optimize your YouTube videos, the possibility of them getting viewed also increases.

You must use the appropriate keywords in the titles and descriptions for your videos to have a higher ranking in search engine results.

Also, make sure that the title is not too long so that it appears fully in the search results.

Similarly, use only two to three sentences more than the title for your description. The video transcript must also include appropriate keywords.

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