Things you need to do after launching your eCommerce website

The real work begins after launching e-commerce website. Many businesses launch their website, but very few succeed. Once the site is set up there are several other things which should be ensured, so that it is ready for the users.

Things you should do after launching an eCommerce website

#1. Be ready with Product Feeds:

Once the website is launched, now its time for the world to know about it. Here comes the product data feed. Product data feed is a file which includes a text based list of data from an eCommerce store. The file includes list of products in an organized way. So that each product can be displayed advertised or compared in a unique way. Submitting product data feed to shopping channels like amazon, Flipkart and others. Make sure your data is specific and comprehensive. This helps you to maximize your online exposure through product visibility.

#2. Web Analytics:

Web analytics helps in measuring web traffic. This is used as a tool by eStore owners to assess and improve the website effectiveness. Google analytics alone is enough to receive traffic statistics. This helps you to know 1. How many people are visiting your site. 2.where the traffic is coming from ?.

#3. Webmaster Tools:

Google webmaster tools [GWT] is a free service that helps you to evaluate and maintain your website’s performance in search results. It offers you valuable information that can help you in marketing. Also tells you which queries are driving the most traffic. It allows you to know about the website security compromises and to eliminate the same.

#4. Improve the Content:

Keep churning out the new content. Nobody wants to visit a stale website. So keep producing a steady stream of content to keep the site relevant and current. Make your content simple and clear. It should be accessible to a wider audience. High quality and informative content boosts the search engine ranking, resulting in driving massive traffic to the site. So it is well said “content is the king “.

#5. Improve the Site Speed:

Site speed is one of the main factors for ranking websites in the search engines. Searchers hate waiting. Check the loading time of the webpage, if it takes more than 3 seconds to load than there is need to make the website lightning fast. There are many tools available to make the site faster. Such as web page test, google page speed, yslow and others.

#6. Promote the Website:

Online marketing has become so popular and successful that businesses are spending more on promoting website. Promoting the website via social media, SEO, promotional ad’s content marketing are more commonly used platforms. Having a blog on your website can increase your ranking on  search engines. You will get both exposure, traffic and social media share.

#7. Social Media:

Social Media is the most influential tool for any type of business, whether it is online or offline. It helps in connecting with the customers and driving them back to the website. Do some research and find which social media helps in driving more traffic to the site and increasing the conversion ratio. Online stores with the social media presence such as Facebook, Twitter accounts, has 32% more sales than the average store.

#8. Optimize Search Engines:

Website optimization is essential to make it more easily found by search engines. Using of relevant keywords through out the website content can do wonders. while dealing with eCommerce store ,customer rush online can slow down the search engine. So it is essential to optimize the search engine performance for a hassle free trading. Make sure to optimize the website content for local search, image search and voice search.

#9. Google Search Console:

Google Search Console is a free service offered by google. It helps to monitor, maintain and any difficulty the website is facing. Google search console helps to understand how Google sees the website and can take specific steps to improve the ranking. It also points out internal errors, if there are any. This is an extremely valuable tool to set up on the website.


Launching an eCommerce website is not an easy task. What you do after the launch really determines your success. Keeping up the business website is an uphill task. But the above mentioned tactics can truly change the game.

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