How to Write Product Descriptions that sell: Tips with examples

Everyone knows the importance of good product photos on your website, but when it comes to buying decision, words become will equally important in giving context to your images and pushing customers to buy. Here the role of product description comes in. A well written product description has the power to move your customers through your sales funnel. The product description helps fill in the gaps to determine whether or not the product is the right fit for the customer.

What is a Product Description?

A product description is a copy that describes the features and benefits of a product to a customer. The goal of the product description is to provide the customer with enough information to compel them to buy the product immediately. Product description helps in educating customer, on the key benefits, unique value of the product and helps to increase your sales and build customer trust.

Many websites need product description along with product image. Some need only main points of description and some website may convert with no copy at all. There are several factors as to why the product description didn’t help in conversions. it’s possible they weren’t written correctly for the audience, they were placed in a less visible area or were written in wrong format.

Why you need a Product Description? 

Product descriptions help improve your search engine (SE) ranking. Optimizing your product description with specific keywords help improve your ranking position on Google. Product description educates your customer on the product, by offering information on the product that the picture can’t do on its own. For example, by looking at a laptop picture, you wouldn’t buy it. As a shopper, you want to know the features and technical specification of a laptop. By providing customers with key product information, you try to build customer service inquiries. It helps the customer to know whether that product is good for them or not.

Tips for Product Description that sells:

#1. Informative content :

To make purchasing decisions, people need information. An important reason, consumer visit product pages are to learn more about product features. Excellent product description can help people find exactly what they are looking for. The best product description writing focuses on :

  • What is the product?
  • Who is it designed for?
  • Why do customers need it?
  • How can people use it?

Just to woo customers, fancy language can’t compete with real information.

Example :

Dewalt product description has a lot of helpful information in a compact paragraph. Dewalt explains exactly why you would want to buy this drill. It is compact and lightweight. It has a long-lasting battery and offers excellent performance. In less than 30 seconds, the shopper has a good idea of this product. Tabs are best for providing a lot of information without cluttering up the screen.

#2. Simple and clear Product Description :

Customers like simple, clear and to the point content. For instance, product like sweat shirt doesn’t need multiple paragraphs to be written on it. Some product pages work wonders with single worded phrases.

Example :

customer who want to buy coat “complete storm protection”. These words are easy to understand and express the clear concept. Adventure lovers discover the jacket of their dreams in one sentence. If consumer decide to look for more information, what they know is just as clear as the main description.

See Nike shoe product description. “Cushioned, comfort, customized”. Run the streets in Nike. We got all the basic features and necessary info put in just one sentence.

#3. Know your target audience :

While writing product description you should be able to define which features would be of most interest to your potential buyers. This begins with understanding  your “buyer’s persona”. Your buyer persona will help you understand which features will be most valuable to your customer. While writing your product description , certain questions you should keep in mind :

  • How did this person arrive to your page ?
  • What are his/her interest ?
  • What features or benefits would interest this person more ?

With the help of these questions you will be able to write a better product description that sells.

Example :

The natural Himalayan salt lamp – light color.

Description : natural shaped Himalayan salt lamp made of 100% pure Himalayan salt rock. A gorgeous addition to naturally ionize and refresh your space. It purifies the air of your environment reducing dust and allergens from the air. May help in curing  symptoms of allergies, asthma and headaches.

Here the buyer persona is interested in all natural remedies for the home , especially to allergies. The potential buyer would be interested in learning about these remedies rather than focus on decorative feature of the lamp.

#4. Focus on product benefits :

As an e-store owner , you would like to show that your product has best quality and the most unique features. Most of the customers want to know- how a particular product can benefit them. A product benefit tells how the product helps in increasing the standard of living of the customers.

 Example : The natural Himalayan salt lamp.            

Description : natural shaped Himalayan salt lamp made of 100% pure Himalayan salt rock. A gorgeous addition to naturally ionize and refresh your space. It purifies the air of your environment reducing dust and allergens from the air. May help in curing  symptoms of allergies, asthma and headaches.

The product benefit includes purification of the environment, by reducing allergens from the air. They clearly outline the benefits of the product rather than focusing on the decorative feature of the lamp. Translating features into benefits like this will be a better product description that sells.

#5. Optimize search engine :

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the easiest way to attract new customers to your page. It’s true that high-quality content does wonders for search engine rankings. Optimization begins with keywords which are usually the search term that buyers use to find the product.

Example : “women black dress pants” , is a keyword that could easily be optimized in your online store. With a quick search for women’s black dress pant, you will see results include some variations of the keyword. When we click on one of the listings on the first page , we can see how Google uses this keyword on their site to appear in the search result. For best SEO results place your keywords in your 

  • Page titles.
  • Meta descriptions.
  • Image tags.
  • Product descriptions.

This will be your product easily searchable for those who are browsing for your product.

#6. Use good product images :

Even if master product description writing, you must still have quality images to go with it. As pictures say more than words, no product description is complete without one or more pictures. Before reading a single word, seeing the image the target customer already feels connected with the product.

Example : Veta mix , a brand that sells grade blenders uses quality images and videos on its product page to help make the sale. You will also notice that they list the benefits within very short product description. By showing what blender is capable of in technicality and look wise the customer starts imagining of having this blender at home.

Pull up : 

The main aim is that your product description shouldn’t push your product so much as it will ignore the main points about why it will improve your standard of life. Keep your product description simple and easily understandable. It should be customer engaging and answer the queries of the visitors. Create a product description that moves people to action.

ECommerce Product Data Enrichment converts search to sales

Product data enrichment is about providing vital information of your product accurately. Customers visit your website but within no time they leave the site, as the data available of your product doesn’t keep them engage. The information of your product may not be relevant and satisfactory as per customers need. This is here, the product data enrichment plays its role and helps the online owners to convert visitors into customers.

If a visitor is not satisfied with your product data information, he will be inclined towards your competitors product-where he will get all information about what is he looking for and buy from them.

What is Product Data Enrichment ?

Product data enrichment is all about finding gaps and inconsistencies in product data and rectify them with up-to-date, accurate and relevant information. Product enrichment helps in providing more details of your product like, color, size, descriptions, measurements attributes etc.,

Most eCommerce owners tend to lose customers even before the checkout, as the customer find the product description- inadequate or inappropriate. Customers making online purchases are solely dependent on product data that store owners publish on product pages. Online merchants operating on leading eCommerce platforms including Magento, Zen-cart, X-cart etc., and market places such as Amazon, eBay etc., have successfully reduced the bounce rate on their online stores with the help of product data enrichment service.

How do eCommerce Product Data Enrichment increases sales

#1. Reduce cart abandonment :

shopping cart abandonment is one of the biggest problems online business owners are facing. Cart abandonment refers to that customer behavior, where in a customer browse a website and after satisfaction, adds these products to his shopping cart – but he will never purchase it. 2 out of 3 customers leave the website before using credit card. This usually happens when customers are not satisfied with the product information provided by the website. Wavering thought process makes customer to abandon cart at the last moment. Adding valuable and appropriate product details also enrich their product with required content ensures that customers don’t abandon carts due to wavering thoughts.

#2. Contextual information :

in simple words contextual information means, extra information that helps you understand something better.

Consumer product companies, mostly provide inadequate product information, which doesn’t have the power to compel the customers for repeat visits. The contextual product description will help the customer to understand that by purchasing your product, it will add value to their lives. They can enjoy a higher standard of life. This makes it necessary to write the product copy in a manner where it provides all the contextual product information required. Contextual marketers deliver the most relevant information possible to consumers in the timely manner possible. Contextual information helps you gain greater intimacy with customers and target market segments more efficiently.  

#3. Product page meta data to boost traffic :

There are a lot of things that go into optimizing a website for search engine optimization. One of these is metadata. The primary job of metadata is to tell not only the visitors but also the search engines what a page is about. Customers face difficulties in finding what they want to buy. It is due to inefficient product title description and mega tags. In such cases product metadata needs to be fixed immediately. Title tags and meta descriptions are essential as

  • It is the consumers first digital touchpoint
  • Gets you more clicks.
  • It helps with better rankings.

With better ranking rate and more clicks will ultimately boost the traffic to your website, thus accelerating sales.

#4. Product categorization :

it is clear that if information is not clear, properly categorized, website visitors will rarely continue to try and find the products they want. You cannot avoid product categorization. It is the ground level work. Product categorization helps the user to complete the buying cycle, before leaving the site. If product categorization is not carried out properly, it will result in lost sales. Managing product data is all about validating and fixing errors in product categorization. Developing product taxonomies, fix product descriptions with appropriate keywords and tags and classifying it correctly will help you boost your e-commerce sales.

#5. Cross-selling and up-selling premium products :

up selling is the practice of encouraging customers to purchase a comparable higher-end product than one asked in query. While cross-selling invites customers to buy related or complementary items. Both up selling and cross selling if done properly, provides maximum value to customer and increases revenue without any extra cost. Product data enrichment ensures that, purchaser visiting your website end up finding related or alternative products along with the ones they were looking for and also in the absence of it. This can be fulfilled by exhibiting all related products on a particular page.

#6. Helps in making purchase decision :

Product data enrichment facilitates faster product discovery, accurate search results and rich experience. It ensures the customers visiting your site have no doubts in mind when it comes to making a decision to purchase. Product enrichment helps customer to find right product faster with proper product description and making the buying process smooth and simple – will leave customer with no confusion and end up the cycle by buying the product and with a good customer experience.

#7. Enhances consumer experience :

With answer to all queries that customers have in mind- data enrichment  facilitates online retailers to enhance consumer experience. When customers purchase products that add value to their lives make a big difference to your overall sales number.

Conclusion :

Product data enrichment aims at enriching your product related data with relevant information. It analyzes your data thoroughly, inconsistencies, errors and duplicate entries and enrich product descriptions with keywords to improve the search rankings of your products. Implementing product data enrichment helps you increase your e-commerce sales figures and converts product search to product sales.

How does a Product Attribute Scheme Design work as a competitive advantage?

Steve Jobs very well quoted “design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation”.

Product attributes refer to physical features, quality and design of a product that helps to attract customers to make a purchase. Physical nature, uses and benefits of the product, makes it unique and different from other competitive products in the market. Attributes include size, color, price, flavor etc., product attribute differs from product to product. For example, attributes which affects food product selection are taste, price, nutritional value and flavor. On the other hand durable products like shoes are influenced by cost, brand, color, usage, quality and durability.

Product attribute scheme design helps in describing your products, based on an understanding of your users. Designers study consumer behaviour – how the customers are making decisions about purchasing products. This will help them to design the product as per consumer taste. If the consumer gets what they are searching then they will end the purchasing cycle by purchasing the product.

Need for Product Attribute Scheme Design :

  A poor product attribute design has a very bad impact on your e-commerce business. Customers find difficulty in searching for your product due to poor product attribute this will lead to low sales and low conversion rate. For example, if visitors are coming to your landing page and leave the site before purchasing your product, it may be because they do not see the specified details that would help them choose the product they want. If customers cannot find what they need, they will move on to your competitor’s site. Such type of customer behaviour reveals which attribute needs to be given priority in the scheme design. Correct attribute design requires expert advice on user experience, PIM and taxonomy.

Competitiveness :

Products that are similar, usually are the products that are competing with one another. For example shampoo bottle. The goal of product attribute is to impress consumer enough that they pick your product over the rest. In order to stay competitive, a company needs to take it one step further and actually convince the customer to purchase their shampoo over the other shampoos. This is where companies need product attribute scheme designs by making the product look attractive, add some creative slogans and highlight the quality which other products can’t offer. To seal the deal – companies might offer competitive price, making their product simply irresistible.

Changes :

Changing product labels, and offering great price doesn’t always attract customer to buy your product. We live in a dynamic world, everything keeps on changing, so are the demands of the consumers. One year consumer may like shampoo that enhances the 9shiny texture of their hair, next year they may like a product that adds volume and increases the length of their hair. A successful product design, make changes quickly to adapt to the new customers demand. To be a competitive product attribute scheme design, need to keep up with the growing trends. To reap the benefits of the competitive market, your product attribute scheme should be more creative, add new varieties to your products, of course, competitive price is a must.

Advantages of Product Attribute Scheme Design:

  • Product attribute scheme design works as a competitive advantage as it helps you to know the changes in the consumer demand and accordingly to make changes.
  • Secondly attribute scheme helps in designing the product that matches with consumer expectations.
  • A good attribute scheme design, differentiate the company’s product with other products giving the company a competitive edge.
  • Product attribute scheme design helps in improving profit margins by increasing sales and also increases your market share.
  • A well product attribute scheme helps in easy manufacturing and distributing the products.

Conclusion : 

Product attribute helps you to identify gaps in the market, areas for improvement in product development and methods to better serve your target market to boost your sales. Consistency in attribute scheme across the entire product range will improve the customer experience leading to increased conversions and sales. Excellent product attribute scheme design is a gateway to business success. A well-designed product attribute will help you in exploring your organization’s capabilities.

Tips for prioritizing Product Content Enrichment

People are adopting online shopping like never before and the global eCommerce market size is expected to grow very high in the coming years. Current technology trends and accessibility have made it possible for every business to create an eCommerce platform in no time and start selling. As the demand for online shopping is increasing, it is necessary to see that your eCommerce site is functioning well enough.

Sometimes you may find that the content on your product page is inconsistent, lacks certain important information or deficiency in description. The product content is not optimizing your search engine ranking. Comparatively, with other websites, you may find that your website is lacking visual content, multiple product images etc. This is the time that you have to improve the quality of your online product content. If you are dealing with hundreds of SKUs (stock keeping units), the resources at your disposal may not be sufficient to enrich product data for every single product you a stock or sell.

Here are the ways to prioritize your product data enrichment for a better search engine ranking and enhancing your customers experience –

#1. 80/20 rule :

It is also known as “Pareto’s principle”. This rule is applicable in many fields like sports, health care, business etc. Applying it to the business world, the 80/20 rule suggests that 80% of your company sales come from 20% of your customers. In the sales and marketing sector, you can use the 80/20 rule as a guide with highly effective business solutions.

The main question, that most of the businesses are facing is – how to identify 20% of their main customers in order to make a marketing strategy, to achieve 80% of the result with minimum cost. Your online site may have hundreds or thousands of contacts on your product list. Keep a close watch on which customers made a recent purchase, who are frequent buyers, which ones were generous in their purchases. Which products are more in demand? Identify the 20% of your products that drive 80% of your eCommerce sales and make these products fully enriched.

#2. Customer focus:

It is important to know, which user behaviour will end up the cycle by purchasing your product. Many eCommerce websites are launched only for such selected customers who are generous in their purchase. In such cases, you can enrich those products content that is more applicable to those customers. By focusing on the products they purchase, you can increase the value of your eCommerce site and also enhance user experience.

#3. Enrich core product :

The essential products which define your brand and provide value to your eCommerce website, such products are best to choose and enrich the product content of those core products.

#4. New product launches :

When you are planning to launch a new product, make sure that your new product has relevant, current and high-quality content. Enrich your new product page with engaging and informative content, because in digital marketing ‘content is the king’.

#5. Seasonal products :

If your Online store is dealing with seasonal products, make sure that during that season your product page should be enriched with the rich and current content of the product. Since it’s a seasonal product, every season new feature will be added to your product. For example ceiling fans, refrigerators. These products are out every season with some newly added feature. Make sure you highlight your product page with that particular feature.

#6. Gated eCommerce :

If your website is accessible by only restricted or selected customers than those product pages should be enriched with relevant and informative content. For instance, I-phones are launched every year with some newly added version, so your content must have that current feature of your product, so that you can target the gated customers.

#7. Gap filling :

Identify weak points of your product content. Sometimes your product content has an insufficient description of your product then you have to enrich your content with relevant and current information about your product. For instance, if your product page is without images than you can add product images and can make it more engaging.

Pull up:

Prioritizing product content aims to boost more sales and increased revenue. Google analytic helps in identifying products with low online conversion rates. Once you identify the products – you can enrich the content of those products, helping you to increase conversion. Similarly, PIM also helps you in improving the quality and consistency of your product page, by enriching the content with more images, visual information and current eye-catching trends. Engaging content will attract buyers and convert them into online sales.

Why you need a product taxonomy

Product taxonomy is a structural organizing of all the available products in such a way that it makes easy for the customer to find the product with less effort. It is similar to a departmental store, which organizes its products into certain areas, in order to help customers find what they are looking for. In simple words taxonomy means organizing, categorizing, grouping the products, by e-commerce sellers to make buying process easier for the customers.

ECommerce industry is growing at a lightning speed. More and more people are joining e-commerce industry. Most importantly if you want success, then first you have to learn the tactics and strategies of online business, which will help you to draw more customers and sell your products faster. Taxonomy is one of the strategy which will take you up the ladder of success.

How Product Taxonomy can boost sales?

It is clear that if information is not clear, properly categorized, website visitors will rarely continue to try and find the products they want. You cannot avoid product taxonomy. It is the ground level work. It has to be done to prevent users leaving the site before finding what they want.

Taxonomy places your products hierarchically. The customer, during browsing /searching for the product, move easily through all levels to find exactly what they want. Searchers know exactly what they are looking for. They are more specific and expect to find exactly what they want.

Why Taxonomy Development is Important?

Product taxonomy can change the game of your business. So you have to creatively categorize your products. People use different ways and different keywords to search for the same product. So as an only e-store owner, you have to identify those ways and words and then apply taxonomy on your products accordingly.

Every estore owner dreams to bring his business on the top of search engine ranking. This is achieved with proper taxonomy.

Taxonomy also has a big impact on internal decision making. Strong analytics are needed to know which products are selling and which are not.

With right taxonomy technique, you will make it easier for your customers to locate the product they want to buy very conveniently. This will help you in winning the loyalty of customers. Customer’s loyalty is a fortune to your eCommerce business.

Taxonomy combines product information with consumer browsing habits to create an efficient navigational structure. It provides easy navigation. Easy navigation plays a huge role in boosting your eCommerce sales. Easy navigations will make your customer to keep coming back to you again and again, whenever he would like to shop online.

Pull up :  Building or improving your taxonomy directly leads to increased traffic and sales. Well developed taxonomy not only satisfy your customer but thrills them, by allowing them to find and consume rich product. Well structured taxonomy will bring changes in your business and also you will love the increase in your revenues. Taxonomy is beneficial to both customer’s and owners.

Product data enrichment—best practices for B2B and B2C SaaS

Product data enrichment is about providing clear and complete information of your product. Customers visit your website but within no time they leave the site; as the data available of your product doesn’t keep them engage. The information of your product may not be relevant and acceptable as per customers need. This is here the product enrichment plays its role and helps the online owners to convert visitors into customers.

 Usually we come across the websites sharing a product with only text description or photo. Product enrichment helps by providing more details of your product; like color, size, measurements, product related accessories etc.,

Advantages of Product Data Enrichment

  • It helps the customer to understand the product completely with all updates.
  • Aids in increasing the engagement time with the visitors and converting them into customer.
  • It helps in the decision making power of the buyer.
  • It creates a reliability image of your product in the eyes of the buyer.

The Best Practices:

Data enrichment is a critical part of master data management, allowing users to have confidence in the information guiding their actions.

       Data enrichment facilitates faster product discovery, accurate search results and rich experience. Online stores have to enrich their products with the required content that includes relevant images, product descriptions and videos.

  • Category details : This simplifies search and sort products in the correct categories.
  • Certification : Labeling products with the correct certification will help users find product easily.
  • Size detail : For fashion products enrichment can be done by adding size details; which will facilitate easier decision by the customer.

       We can add relevant tags or information to products or catalogs to help users find relevant products easily. Such activities help Online Store in different ways like :

  • Customer can find the right product faster.
  • When products are labeled with correct values, they replace the fake products in search ranking.
  • It also improves customers experience and wins customer loyalty.

Higher Search Engine Ranking:

 When product catalogs are filled with rich product descriptions, it gets easier for search engines to sort and rank, these products higher. And so these search engines depend on alt tags, attribute values; and also other relevant information for ranking a product higher in search result.

Global Standards:

 ECommerce owners should make sure that no fake products are pushed through their platforms. So, Brands like Adidas and Nike are going behind market places that allow sellers to sell fake products. With product enrichment online stores can easily identify real products and label them with the necessary tag and display genuine products on site search result.

Influences Conversions:

The main motive of product enrichment is to provide good customer experience. If the product has all the details clearly laid, then surely the visitors will convert into loyal customer.

Boost Sales and Revenues:

The study shows that one in three customers are likely to never shop from a store after just one bad experience, which means a decline in sales and revenues. Also Data enrichment improve customer experience which leads in boosting sales and revenues.

Product Discovery:

Product discovery is the event where customers find their desired product. A faster product discovery can make or break a customer view point towards your store. This will also add on to revenues.

Pull Up:

ECommerce stores will continue to innovate; and bring in facilities to impress customer because of increased online competition. Product enrichment will play a vital role by offering quality customer experience; and quick pleasure for ECommerce success.

Things you need to do after launching your eCommerce website

The real work begins after launching e-commerce website. Many businesses launch their website, but very few succeed. Once the site is set up there are several other things which should be ensured, so that it is ready for the users.

Things you should do after launching an eCommerce website

#1. Be ready with Product Feeds:

Once the website is launched, now its time for the world to know about it. Here comes the product data feed. Product data feed is a file which includes a text based list of data from an eCommerce store. The file includes list of products in an organized way. So that each product can be displayed advertised or compared in a unique way. Submitting product data feed to shopping channels like amazon, Flipkart and others. Make sure your data is specific and comprehensive. This helps you to maximize your online exposure through product visibility.

#2. Web Analytics:

Web analytics helps in measuring web traffic. This is used as a tool by eStore owners to assess and improve the website effectiveness. Google analytics alone is enough to receive traffic statistics. This helps you to know 1. How many people are visiting your site. 2.where the traffic is coming from ?.

#3. Webmaster Tools:

Google webmaster tools [GWT] is a free service that helps you to evaluate and maintain your website’s performance in search results. It offers you valuable information that can help you in marketing. Also tells you which queries are driving the most traffic. It allows you to know about the website security compromises and to eliminate the same.

#4. Improve the Content:

Keep churning out the new content. Nobody wants to visit a stale website. So keep producing a steady stream of content to keep the site relevant and current. Make your content simple and clear. It should be accessible to a wider audience. High quality and informative content boosts the search engine ranking, resulting in driving massive traffic to the site. So it is well said “content is the king “.

#5. Improve the Site Speed:

Site speed is one of the main factors for ranking websites in the search engines. Searchers hate waiting. Check the loading time of the webpage, if it takes more than 3 seconds to load than there is need to make the website lightning fast. There are many tools available to make the site faster. Such as web page test, google page speed, yslow and others.

#6. Promote the Website:

Online marketing has become so popular and successful that businesses are spending more on promoting website. Promoting the website via social media, SEO, promotional ad’s content marketing are more commonly used platforms. Having a blog on your website can increase your ranking on  search engines. You will get both exposure, traffic and social media share.

#7. Social Media:

Social Media is the most influential tool for any type of business, whether it is online or offline. It helps in connecting with the customers and driving them back to the website. Do some research and find which social media helps in driving more traffic to the site and increasing the conversion ratio. Online stores with the social media presence such as Facebook, Twitter accounts, has 32% more sales than the average store.

#8. Optimize Search Engines:

Website optimization is essential to make it more easily found by search engines. Using of relevant keywords through out the website content can do wonders. while dealing with eCommerce store ,customer rush online can slow down the search engine. So it is essential to optimize the search engine performance for a hassle free trading. Make sure to optimize the website content for local search, image search and voice search.

#9. Google Search Console:

Google Search Console is a free service offered by google. It helps to monitor, maintain and any difficulty the website is facing. Google search console helps to understand how Google sees the website and can take specific steps to improve the ranking. It also points out internal errors, if there are any. This is an extremely valuable tool to set up on the website.


Launching an eCommerce website is not an easy task. What you do after the launch really determines your success. Keeping up the business website is an uphill task. But the above mentioned tactics can truly change the game.

Data Normalization and Its Importance

All about Data Normalization and Its Importance

Advancement in technology and the changing work pattern within organizations has led to an increased importance for data management. Companies are building databases that are helping them collect, store, and analyze information. When it comes to bid data, another term that is widely used is data normalization. In this blog, we will understand more about data normalization and its importance.

Data normalization can be defined as the process in which data is organized in a way through which data users can easily analyze the data further. Data normalization has several applications. For instance, data normalization helps to get rid of any duplicate data. This reduces any possible redundancies which can adversely affect the data and enhances the capability of efficient data analysis.

Data normalization also helps to group the data together. The data that relates to each other is clubbed together into a single group making it easy to view the entire data at once. Sometimes the datasets have conflicting information. Data normalization helps to resolve all the data conflicts before any further analysis. By using the data normalization process, one can convert the entire data into a specific format which is simpler to read and analyze.

Now that we know about the applications of data normalization, it is time to understand the importance of data normalization.

A well-functioning database must go through the data normalization process. By why you ask? As discussed earlier, data normalization helps to get rid of all types of data defects and makes it easier for the users to analyze the data. Since the defects can occur at all times while the data is modified or updated, data normalization must be carried out regularly.

If a company does not use the data normalization process, then although the company would gather data, most of the data would be unorganized and unused. The data would take up most of the space and will not be of any benefit to the company. And since there is a lot of money invested in data collection and database designing, unused or misused data can lead to serious financial losses.

In addition to rectifying any data anomalies and faster analysis, data normalization offers several benefits to the organization:

  • Databases take up less space – Although technology advancement gives bigger data storage options, data normalization offers ways in which lesser disk space can be used for storage.

  • Enhance performance – Databases that are not unnecessarily loaded can lead to faster data analysis and increased performance.

  • Faster data upgradation and modification – Since the data anomalies are rectified, data can be easily updated and modified.

  • Data can be used to improve an organization’s performance – Company can look at the data to understand the company’s performances in different departments.

  • Can be used as a business intelligence tool – Data normalization can easily cross-examine the data coming from various sources.

Data normalization process works wonders for data scientists, business analysts, and people involved in database maintenance. It is considered to be one of the most necessary processes to be carried out by every company that deals with large data collection, storage and analysis.