Product data enrichment—best practices for B2B and B2C SaaS

Product data enrichment is about providing clear and complete information of your product. Customers visit your website but within no time they leave the site; as the data available of your product doesn’t keep them engage. The information of your product may not be relevant and acceptable as per customers need. This is here the product enrichment plays its role and helps the online owners to convert visitors into customers.

 Usually we come across the websites sharing a product with only text description or photo. Product enrichment helps by providing more details of your product; like color, size, measurements, product related accessories etc.,

Advantages of Product Data Enrichment

  • It helps the customer to understand the product completely with all updates.
  • Aids in increasing the engagement time with the visitors and converting them into customer.
  • It helps in the decision making power of the buyer.
  • It creates a reliability image of your product in the eyes of the buyer.

The Best Practices:

Data enrichment is a critical part of master data management, allowing users to have confidence in the information guiding their actions.

       Data enrichment facilitates faster product discovery, accurate search results and rich experience. Online stores have to enrich their products with the required content that includes relevant images, product descriptions and videos.

  • Category details : This simplifies search and sort products in the correct categories.
  • Certification : Labeling products with the correct certification will help users find product easily.
  • Size detail : For fashion products enrichment can be done by adding size details; which will facilitate easier decision by the customer.

       We can add relevant tags or information to products or catalogs to help users find relevant products easily. Such activities help Online Store in different ways like :

  • Customer can find the right product faster.
  • When products are labeled with correct values, they replace the fake products in search ranking.
  • It also improves customers experience and wins customer loyalty.

Higher Search Engine Ranking:

 When product catalogs are filled with rich product descriptions, it gets easier for search engines to sort and rank, these products higher. And so these search engines depend on alt tags, attribute values; and also other relevant information for ranking a product higher in search result.

Global Standards:

 ECommerce owners should make sure that no fake products are pushed through their platforms. So, Brands like Adidas and Nike are going behind market places that allow sellers to sell fake products. With product enrichment online stores can easily identify real products and label them with the necessary tag and display genuine products on site search result.

Influences Conversions:

The main motive of product enrichment is to provide good customer experience. If the product has all the details clearly laid, then surely the visitors will convert into loyal customer.

Boost Sales and Revenues:

The study shows that one in three customers are likely to never shop from a store after just one bad experience, which means a decline in sales and revenues. Also Data enrichment improve customer experience which leads in boosting sales and revenues.

Product Discovery:

Product discovery is the event where customers find their desired product. A faster product discovery can make or break a customer view point towards your store. This will also add on to revenues.

Pull Up:

ECommerce stores will continue to innovate; and bring in facilities to impress customer because of increased online competition. Product enrichment will play a vital role by offering quality customer experience; and quick pleasure for ECommerce success.

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