
Importance of adopting B2B selling strategies for eCommerce. Learn more at the National Hardware Show 2020

The obvious fact to boost your sales is to meet the needs of your end-user. 

However, in the case of Suppliers/Distributors/Manufacturers, their ultimate-Thule is another company rather than an individual. 

The usual B2C strategy is outdated in your case & you require a different strategy to manage your B2B business via eCommerce

Continue reading to learn more. 

The Upside of a dedicated B2B eCommerce

  • Get higher invoice volumes per client:Companies have a requirement of their own & they like to order in bulk.
  • Look more like B2C yet gather huge sales: The popularity of retail eCommerce has changed the habit of companies placing their order on an e-Commerce. Offer your clients the best customer experience by optimizing your -Commerce.
  • Stay ahead of your competition: B2B clients prefer to repeat purchases with the same supplier that they already know who has already met their needs instead of starting a new process of searching for new offers, validation, and decision-making. Build a website that retains them.

Optimize your website for B2B customer experience

You can find Altius Technologies at the National Hardware Show 2020 to implement the upsides of B2B eCommerce for you.

Your $1 spent on us= $4 ROI for you! Refer some of the common strategies followed to optimize a website to reduce website bounce rate & increase website referrals, website traffic rate and eventually sales conversion.

1 Give attention to your product page

A vibrant display of your product is an important part of optimizing your B2B e-commerce. It can be achieved with premium services from Altius Technologies like Product Catalogue ManagementProduct Data Management, Product Information ManagementEnriching product data or by developing product Taxonomy & basing all information on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Visitors will very easily lose interest if the product information is not relevant. Essentially, the mentioned services will update your product page with missing or new attributes and high-quality images. Once such services are implemented well, the Non-technical buyers can also understand and will be motivated to buy the product.

2 Automate your Inventory Management

Companies order in bulk. Imagine a situation where you had received a bulk order whereas you have no adequate inventory to supply. It can potentially harm your brand image. Automating your inventory management can save you a great deal of your time, labor, and money. Implementing such a service will make it easy to update, sync, and monitor all of your products and variants while giving shoppers a clear view when a product is low or out of stock. Also, a tool to automate your price quotation is a worthy addition.

3 Give Attention to UX Design

Your B2B website has to also look professional and less annoying to the visitors. Tips like: 
  • Using color, size, white space, etc., to set your most important content easily identifiable;
  • Making clickable items obvious.
  • Having a clean background and plenty of white space makes it look more professional.
  • Make calls-to-action stand out.
  • Highlight the user’s current location on the site.
Altius Technologies offers all the above B2B e-Commerce & Digital Marketing services and the same are up for your validation, assessment at the upcoming National Hardware Show 2020 in Las Vegas. 

About National Hardware Show 2020

National Hardware Show 2020 brings worldwide professionals offering innovative products & services together on a global platform to promote the hardware businesses in all sectors. It is an excellent opportunity for businesses to gauge the current market requirements and adopt the best strategies to benefit their businesses. National Hardware Show 2020 is scheduled for May 05-07 2020 at Las Vegas Convention CentreLas Vegas, USA.
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