Test Automation

Getting Started with Test Automation

Test Automation

In the world of software there are two ways of testing – Manual and Automation. Generally, a lot of testing can be done manually. Some manual testing is like discovery testing, usability testing, regression testing, functional testing, and so on. However, when the testing has to be repeated multiple times, then manual testing is shifted to automation. Needless to say, automation testing saves time and efforts.

Test automation can be defined as the process of running the test automatically, managing test data, and utilizing results to improve the software quality. Testing is a quality assurance (QA) method. This ensures that the software data is tested regularly to achieve improved results every time. The entire software production team from business analysts to developers are involved in the process of software testing.

Each time an error occurs while testing, it is the duty of the developer to rectify the error and retest the software. This way every time a new version of the software is released.  To ensure that the newer version of the software does not hamper the original work features, continuous testing has to be carried out. Testing is a cyclic process meant to improvise software quality. In this continuous process, in order to not miss out on any bugs or errors automation testing is preferred over manual testing.

However, there are some critical points that one must keep in mind while transitioning from manual to automated testing. Here are some tips to get started with test automation.

Tips to get started with test automation

  1. Not all tests can be automated. Even the tests that can be tested automatically, need manual handling at times. This means test automation cannot be done 100%.
  2. Set realistic goals. Writing smaller test cases can provide better test coverage.
  3. Test cases must be labeled well so that teams have the clarity of what needs to be automated.
  4. Automation can help to explore newer areas of the application.
  5. The scope of automation can be decided during the ideation process.
  6. Select the right tools for automation. This depends on the nature of the software (for example, web-based or mobile-based), the experience of the programmer, and whether the available automation tools are open source or not.

While transitioning from manual to automated testing one must be able to answer two questions:

1. What to automate?

2. How to automate?

While answering the first question, one must figure out the type of testing ranging from regression tests, smoke tests, and so on; and whether the software has a technical or business objective. Next comes answering the second question. This includes factors like the testing process, understanding the pros and cons of manual and automation testing, and determining the end-user preferences using the power of analytics. Having the clarity of the above-mentioned aspects helps automation testing cover the right interfaces and optimizes the performance of the software on the right user platforms.

Automation testing is of great help for software developers. By moving to automation testing, the ever-reducing deadlines of software releases can be met. In order to achieve better quality software versions, one must be able to create a balance between automation testing and manual testing.

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Use Agile Testing to Accelerate Your Software Release Cycles

Customer satisfaction is one aspect that is very difficult for business to meet consistently. It requires faster delivery time of products and services in order to ensure that the customers always get what they demand for. Being able to meet your customers’ demands is a means to measure the success of your business.

The traditional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) uses waterfall methods for testing and achieving faster quality and delivery time. However, with advancement in technology, the accuracy of the waterfall method is falling short. This is where the agile testing comes into play. In agile testing, development and testing can take place simultaneously instead of conducting it in phases.

Agile testing takes care of the requirements of end customers and testing teams. This way the customer requirements can be easily met. Instead of testing the codes after development, agile methodology conducts testing early and frequently. In addition to using agile methodology for accelerating your software release cycles, companies need to follow certain strategies for faster delivery time.

Companies often use agile testing methodology without taking care of their IT environments, workflows, culture, or architecture. This is a wrong way to go about. Faster software release cycles require better collaboration, flexibility, and transparency among the development and testing teams. The IT environment and workflows must be managed well so that teams get the right feedback and save valuable time in managing the testing methods.

Another means of saving the testing time is to automate the testing process. This way the long codes can be easily checked for mistakes and integrated with the expected outcomes. Automation prevents code defects and regressions. Automated testing helps reduce costs, compress long regression cycles and accelerate release time. Since the cost changes constantly, automated testing offers regulated feedback.

Companies face a challenge of reduced ROI due to high cost of maintenance of automated testing. The solution is to modify the automation architecture. Some companies have adopted a method to break down the large code into smaller pieces on which the teams start to work. This allows the team to properly define and maintain the interfaces.

Agile testing methodology may faster the delivery time of software release cycles; however, it comes with its own challenges and opportunities. In addition to agile testing, companies must also take care of their organizational structure, vision alignment, and team communication. Provided the company knows its end deliveries, the agile testing method can be of great help in meeting customer demands.